Hotel Gutjahr

Aktiv- & Wellnesshotel ****S

Sustainability as a daily practice at the Hotel Gutjahr is independently certified through publicly recognised awards such as the Austrian and EU Ecolabel -it was furthermore awarded the “klima:aktiv” and “Umweltblatt Salzburg” prizes and was the winner of the 1st Forum for Water Hygiene Award.


General Description

Customer satisfaction is the highest priority and equally as important as the happiness of its workforce. Characteristics of the owners’ personal lifestyle translate into tangible sustainability across the organisation.

This includes locally sourced produce wherever possible, that is often organic, naturally made cosmetics and wooden furniture crafted within the region. Sourcing local products from around the region has been a core value of the Hotel Gutjahr brand for many years.

When it comes to the environment and quality, the business only relies on measurable and verifiable facts. The use of district heating with biomass, electricity from renewable energy sources, eco-cleaning agents, an individual waste management concept and a unique program to conserve drinking water are all proof of the hotel’s mission to save the environment. This will be further extended with photovoltaic panels and e-mobility. Supporting common welfare is a guiding principle for this family-run business.

Sustainability Impact

At Hotel Gutjahr, sustainability is considered to be an efficient balance of economic, environmental, social and cultural aspects. Employees receive personal appraisals, trust, fair wages and responsibility for their area of expertise – and they pass that positive attitude down to their guests.

According to its suppliers, zero kg of CO2 are emitted for the supply of electricity and energy for heating and hot water to Hotel Gutjahr.

The average consumption of drinking water is 176 litres per overnight stay, which is significantly less than that of comparable wellness hotels. A portion of the water that is saved, is being used to regularly flush the pipes in order to improve the water quality and hygiene. 45% of the chemicals used have received public certificates. Low variable costs of €2.96 for electricity, energy, water, waste water, chemicals and waste per overnight stay build a solid foundation for economic success.

The inclusion of employees and guests in local events and the sponsorship of various clubs in the region top off the social and cultural commitment.

Head of Project

Markus Gutjahr sen.