Europe’s Sustainable Excellence
The EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD brings national and international recognition for special achievements by companies as well as individuals and, with an international jury of experts, honors green, fair and innovative products, sustainable design, green marketing as well as change makers who have done excellent work for sustainable development in Europe.
Next Entry: November 15, 2025
Promoting Green Excellence
and make it visible internationally.
The EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD is organized by the non-profit organisation European Institute of Applied Sustainability (EIAS).
The mission of the EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD is not only to recognize outstanding ecological and fair achievements, but also to offer them international visibility as excellent sustainability players and future shapers through this platform. Especially young change makers with their green impact shall be promoted by showing their ideas and commitment to leading experts, the public and the green community.
Thus, the EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD contributes to Europe’s transition to a modern, resource-efficient, fair and competitive economy of the future.

Discover excellent sustainable products, product design, hotels, marketing and inspiring change makers who have made significant contributions to sustainable development in Europe.

We are a Non-profit Award
The European Institute of Applied Sciences (EIAS) is the organizer of the European Green Award and as a non-profit organization does not pursue any monetary goals. Each participation also contributes a social impact to OneDollarGlases and finances glasses for children in Malawi.
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By publishing the award, winners and nominees can make their sustainable performance visible and increase the value of their brand. In return, they receive the Winner or Nominee label to use the success on websites, digital communication, products, trade shows, brochures or other promotional activities.
The winners of a category will receive the exclusive trophy „The Golden Leaf“, will be included in the award list as well as in the permanent exhibition in the online gallery.

Gold Trophy

Winner Label

Nominee Label

Competitions 2024
The EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD honors the best sustainability solutions in Europe as well as sustainable change-makers in the following competitions with various categories.
Early Bird March 1, 2024
Regular Bird April 5, 2024
Nominee May 8, 2024
Winner May 31, 2024
Early Birds: 290,- Euro
Regular Birds: 370,- Euro
Winner Fee: 1.150,- Euro
Young Change Maker: 0,- Euro
European Green
Design Award
Honors the excellent design of sustainable or social products.
European Fair
Business Award
Rewards outstanding fair conditions for producers or solving social problems.
European Green
Hotel Award
Honors Green Hotels‘ sustainability performance in five categories.
European Green
Innovation Award
Awards innovative solution with an outstanding sustainability impact.
European Green
Change Maker Award
Honors sustainable commitment of people & young change makers.
Awarding Young Talents
Five to twelve – it’s time for change: Young change makers with green impact play a crucial role in the transformation towards a sustainable future. That’s why we want to give them a platform to show their work to leading international experts and the public.
Young people up to 29 years old who have, for example, implemented a sustainability project, created a marketing campaign, are active as an influencer or have founded an eco-start-up are invited to apply for the Young Green Change Maker Award as an individual or as a team WITHOUT A FEE.

Next Open for Entry
Submissions for EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD 2025 open November 15, 2024.

Review: Team Performance
The team from Landgut Stober impressed the 2021 jury not only with their sustainability performance but also with their cooperative performance. This is because the holistically lived sustainability here is supported by teamwork, which forms an essential backbone of authenticity.

New: Fair Business Award
Awards are given to companies and products that provide outstanding fair conditions for disadvantaged producers and workers or solve important social problems with their company.
Giving Partner
Every participation contributes to sustainable change.
Giving Partner 2024: OneDollarGlasses
Each participation funds one-third of a pair of glasses for a student who cannot afford glasses themselves. This allows them to attend class and fulfill their potential because they have access to education.
Because our mission is to improve the lives of as many future change makers as possible.
European Green Award
Base Vienna Midtown
European Institute of Applied Sustainability e.V.
Wipplingerstr. 34/138
1010 Vienna
+43 (0) 664 / 41 22 705
Stay green!