GreenPMP™ by Sharethrough

Decarbonize Digital Advertising

GreenPMP™ by Sharethrough are part of an initiative to decarbonize digital advertising with Green Media Products.


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General Description

Sharethrough became the first SSP to offer media with net-zero emissions, by launching GreenPMP™ in June 2022 in partnership with Scope3’s measurement methodology. This has provided advertisers with the opportunity to measure and compensate for the carbon emissions caused by the full supply chain involved in running digital ad campaigns and to show their target audience they are doing their part to help build a cleaner future. By running ads through GreenPMP™ on the Sharethrough Exchange, a fraction of the CPM is designated towards funding Carbon Direct’s high-quality carbon offsetting initiatives to compensate for the emissions created by the ad campaign. Along with creating a solution, we also set out to help educate the digital advertising industry and consumers on the environmental impact of digital ads.

Sustainability Impact

A Sharethrough research study on Consumer Understandings of Carbon Emissions revealed that while 60% of consumers were unaware that browsing the internet generated carbon emissions, 80% were more likely to favor brands that are actively working to reduce their carbon emissions. This means consumers need educating both on how their internet usage generates carbon emissions and on which brands are doing their part to reduce that impact. A solution to cover both needs was to create a green icon, similar to the ad choices icon, that is included on any ad running on GreenPMPs and clicks through to a site built to inform consumers about how advertisers are reducing their carbon emissions. The more the industry shares these types of solutions and case studies, the faster we will achieve a net-zero carbon emissions industry and do our part to slow the impacts of climate change for everyone.

Since its launch, over 5900 brands have delivered campaigns using GreenPMP™, and this number keeps increasing every day. We’re proud to have achieved amazing milestones in a short period of time. In particular, more than 249.2 tons of CO2 has been compensated for thanks to GreenPMP™, which is the equivalent to driving 33 times the circumference of the Earth in an average gas-powered car or heating 1,033 US households for 1 month – all while maintaining or increasing the performance of the campaigns! These metrics continue to grow daily, demonstrating a real interest from the ad industry to become cleaner and greener.

Head of Project

Benoit Skinazi, CMO at Sharethrough
Brian O’Kelley, Co-founder and CEO at Scope3