European Institute of Applied Sustainability (EIAS)

The European Institute of Applied Sustainability (EIAS) is an institution geared towards the common good that promotes interdisciplinary, innovative and outstanding sustainability solutions through competitions, congresses, seminars, lectures, B-2-B events and publications in the context of sustainability.

In this way, the EIAS makes significant contributions to the sustainable transformation of the economy, science, society and individuals. The central objective of all activities is an active role as a designer of sustainable transformation to take.

A particular concern of the EIAS is the promotion of young talent in order to the new generation of young talents and sustainability change makers of tomorrow to introduce international sustainability standards and new challenges in the fields of sustainability. There is therefore close cooperation with European and international universities, technical colleges and research institutions.

The EIAS is dedicated to the following areas:

  • Promotion of ecological and social awareness.
  • Promotion of young sustainability talents and future change makers.
  • Knowledge transfer of sustainability in research and teaching.
  • Implementation of applied sustainability projects in a wide variety of fields of application, industries and disciplines.
  • Carrying out competitions that make sustainability solutions visible and disseminate them.
  • Promotion of environmentally conscious and social behavior by individuals and companies.
  • Promotion of sustainability marketing and communication for companies and their brands.

Award for special achievements in civil society marketing.


European Green Award
Base Vienna Midtown

European Institute of Applied Sustainability e.V.

Wipplingerstr. 34/138
1010 Vienna
+43 (0) 1 / 877 33 34

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