Charity Heros Austria

Magical moments for children who are going through hard times.

We want to do everything that is in our power to let children be children and help them to make some magical memories they can hold on to, even thought their lifes can be just as challenging as an adult’s.


General Description

We have made it our mission to help children who are going through a hard time, so that even in hard times childhood remains childhood. With a special hero time, we bring children to a magical world where they can forget their sorrow and just be a child.

We are a non-profit association consisting of 26 people. We have made it our mission to make children’s eyes shine all over Austria and to give them something that is much more important than money: namely our time.

How it all began: Once upon a time…there was a young girl named Mary.
She herself was once in the hospital over the holidays. She herself knew, „I will come home again…but another child, maybe even in the next room may never be able to celebrate Christmas again.“ This made her very sad, and she decided, together with her heroic friends, to make children happy.

The first happy children were the ones who were at Kumplgut in Wels at the end of December 2016. Actually, this was planned as a one-time thing, but after the children were so happy about the visit of heroes and princesses, everyone thought, „We have to do this more often!“.

So the idea and our hero community was born, and together we built it, because we are a hero TEAM! And we are still on our mission today.

Sustainability Impact

Through our work, we try to give children lasting memories that strengthen them and help them get through tough times better.

Children look up to their personal heroes. Meeting their idols in person gives a special impact. In addition to visits, we recently started offering pen pals. Here, the children receive a handwritten letter from their idols in the mail, to which they can also reply. Even after a visit, the children can keep in touch with their heroes through letters, which often helps children in difficult family situations because the hero remains present for longer.

We also try to be sustainable in terms of gifts by also passing on used stuffed animals or bringing candy that would otherwise be destroyed. Some of us even sew our own costumes, but these are just our personal „add-ons“ to our mission of giving children magical memories.

Head of Project

Marion List
