
Bio Spicy Fruits

furore BIO Spicy Fruits is green on the inside and outside and was designed to be not only delicious, but also sustainable.


General Description

BIO Spicy Fruits
The first fruity cheese companions in organic quality.

In the development of the new BIO range, we have taken great care in the development of recipes. In addition to high-quality organic fruit purees paired with special organic spices and the renunciation of mustard (Mostarda) as a flavor-giving ingredient, our new BIO Range was created with special fruit-spice combinations. Our BIO Spicy Fruits do not contain any preservatives or colorants.

A new delicatessen range from furore, where even the packaging is sustainable. Our BIO Spicy Fruits are delivered in the environmentally friendly 8-cup, which is display and packaging at the same time.

Sustainability Impact

Die ersten fruchtigen Käsebegleiter in Bio-Qualität in umweltfreundlicher Verpackung:

_  Umweltschonendes, recyclebares 120 g Glas.
_  Verpackung und Display in Einem (spart Ressourcen und vermeidet Müll).
_  Die Verpackung ist aus 100% Kartonage (kein Plastik, keine Klebebänder).
_  Produkte sind aus feinstem BIO-Fruchtpüree.
_  Veredelt mit erlesenen BIO-Gewürzen.
_  Frei von Konservierungs-und Farbstoffen.

Head of Project

Christian Greber (CEO)

