
Green Award for your commitment.

The EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD brings national and international recognition for special achievements of companies as well as individuals and honors with an international jury of experts green products, projects, events, hotels, marketing & change makers who have done excellent work for sustainable development in Europe.

Our mission is not only to honor these outstanding ecological and fair achievements, but to offer them international visibility as excellent sustainability players and future shapers through this platform. And we specifically want to promote young change makers with green impact by showing their ideas and commitment to leading experts, the public and the green community.

In this way, we want to make an essential contribution to Europe’s transition to a modern, resource-efficient, fair and competitive economy of the future.

Top-Thema: Sichtbarkeit in diesen Zeiten - European Green Award

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Top topic: We are a non-profit award - European Green Award

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Top topic: Stations of the competition - European Green Award

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    By publishing the award, winners and nominees can make their sustainable performance visible and increase the value of their brand. In return, they receive the Winner or Nominee label to use the success on websites, digital communication, products, trade shows, brochures or other promotional activities.

    The winners of a category will receive an exclusive Gold Trophy, will be included in the Award List as well as in the permanent exhibition in the online gallery.

    Gold Trophy - European Green Award

    Gold Trophy

    Winner Label - European Green Award


    Nominee Label - European Green Award


    ECO (European Green Awards)


    The EUROPEAN GREEN AWARD honors the best sustainability solutions in Europe, sustainable change-makers as well as special ecological or fair detail solutions.

    The following competitions with various categories are announced.

    Submission information. 
    Description text, sustainability impact, images, short description plus optional information and documents.

    Green Product

    Distinguishes the sustainability of products.

    Green Product Design

    Awards the excellent design of sustainable products and campaigns.

    Green Marketing

    Rewards marketing achievements of sustainable companies, institutions and NGOs.

    Green Advertising

    Honors advertising for sustainable products, projects, brands or companies.

    Green Initiative

    Rewards sustainable projects.

    Green Hotel

    Awards sustainable hotels as well as organic hotels in Europe.

    Green Event

    Awards sustainable European events from festivals to conferences.

    Green Change Maker

    Recognizes sustainable achievements of people, teams & young change makers.

    Green Mention

    Distinguishes special sustainable detail solutions.

    Awarding Young Talents

    Five to twelve – it’s time for change: Young change makers with green impact play a crucial role in the transformation towards a sustainable future. That’s why we want to give them a platform to show their work to leading international experts and the public.

    Young people up to 29 years old who have, for example, implemented a sustainability project, created a marketing campaign, are active as an influencer or have founded an eco-start-up are invited to apply for the Young Green Change Maker Award as an individual or as a team WITHOUT A FEE.


    European Green Award
    Base Vienna Midtown

    European Institute of Applied Sustainability e.V.

    Wipplingerstr. 34/138
    1010 Vienna

    +43 (0) 664 / 41 22 705

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