Biobaula GmbH

Eco cleaning tabs.

Through the revolutionary idea of the first and only sustainable Biobaula cleaning tabs, we can cause a rethink in society, because it is so simple that every individual can make a contribution to the environment, in line with our motto „together for a better world.“


General Description

Environmentally friendly cleaning products that are all-round natural, from the ingredients to the processing and packaging – Biobaula from Bruckmühl in Upper Bavaria has dedicated itself to this principle.

In 2018, Biobaula became the first company to develop truly sustainable cleaning products in tab form and has been offering them on the market ever since. During a family vacation in Thailand, the plastic problem and the accompanying environmental pollution were brought home to him in a tangible way on a polluted beach. He found a discarded plastic spray bottle in the sand, but it still worked perfectly. Back in Germany, he immediately started looking for alternatives for cleaning products without plastic packaging for his own organic food store, Auwaldbio in Bruckmühl – but to no avail. So Markus Winkler came up with the idea for tabs that simply dissolve in water to make a fully functional cleaning agent.

Sustainability Impact

The demonstrably certified quality by Ecocert and Flustix distinguishes Biobaula and guarantees the company’s commitment to stemming the global plastic tide and to clean oceans. The advantages of Biobaula’s eco cleaner tabs over conventional cleaners are many:

_ Low transport weight.
_ Hardly any packaging waste.
_ Space-saving storage.
_ Biodegradable after cleaning.
_ Spray bottles already available in the household can be reused.

The Biobaula team is also constantly researching to create truly sustainable solutions for more and more areas of life. New products are only launched on the market once all environmental protection options have been exhausted during development. From raw materials to production and shipping, sustainable practices are followed.

Thus, when using Biobaula cleaner tabs, no plastic parts or harmful ingredients end up in the water or the environment.

Head of Project

Markus Winkler

