Charity Heros Austria Magische Momente für Kinder, die schwere Zeiten durchmachen. We want to do everything that is in our power to let children be children and help them to make some magical memories they can hold on to, even thought their lifes can be just as challenging as an adult's. [...]
Manta Clothing (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:27:16+02:00Manta Clothing 1 Kilo Plastikmüll wird pro Shirt gesammelt. MANTA clothing – made with purpose. Mit nachhaltiger Mode die Verschmutzung der Meere bekämpfen. Gallery General Description MANTA clothing ist eine nachhaltige Modemarke, deren Ziel es ist, Bewusstsein für die weltweite Plastikverschmutzung zu schaffen [...]

Eliah Sahil (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:29:49+02:00Eliah Sahil Organic Care Shower Powder We want to show your unique company and products to the public and show that we are one of the greenest beauty brands on the market. Gallery General Description Eine pH-neutrale Formulierung, 100% naturbelassene Inhaltsstoffe und ein Zero-Waste-Verpackungskonzept. All [...]

Hotel Schwarzwald Panorama (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:31:46+02:00Hotel Schwarzwald Panorama Gelebte Nachhaltigkeit innerhalb der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette We want to share our holistic and exemplary approach of integration of sustainability within the whole value chain of a hotel business to all our colleagues so that sustainable economic is no longer a conflicting ghost or excuse to do nothing. [...]

Makri GmbH (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:32:04+02:00Makri GmbH Bio Dattel Schokolade Nougat 50%. Enjoying natural and healthy chocolate with a clear conscience. Gallery General Description "Perfection is not reached when you can't add anything more, but when you can't leave anything out." That is why we at MAKRi only use [...]
Landgut Stober (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:33:33+02:00Landgut Stober Country estate in Havelland. Sustainability and transparency is the common good. Gallery General Description Since the year 2000 the Stober family has been seamlessly tying in with the history of the former owner family Borsig and represents with great personal commitment [...]
furore (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:34:29+02:00furore Bio Spicy Fruits furore BIO Spicy Fruits is green on the inside and outside and was designed to be not only delicious, but also sustainable. Gallery General Description BIO Spicy Fruits Die ersten fruchtigen Käsebegleiter in Bio Qualität. Bei der Entwicklung der [...]

Hotel Gutjahr**** (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:35:32+02:00Hotel Gutjahr Aktiv- & Wellnesshotel ****S Sustainability as a daily practice at the Hotel Gutjahr is independently certified through publicly recognised awards such as the Austrian and EU Ecolabel -it was furthermore awarded the “klima:aktiv” and “Umweltblatt Salzburg” prizes and was the winner of the 1st Forum for Water Hygiene Award. [...]
Beeskin (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:36:34+02:00Beeskin Reduce Plastic Waste beeskin is the natural, sustainable alternative to plastic and aluminum foil to reduce plastic waste and keep the wrapped food fresh longer for an extra impact against food waste. Gallery General Description beeskin ist die natürliche, nachhaltige [...]

Juffing Hotel & Spa (DE)
europeangreenaward2021-05-08T13:38:48+02:00Juffing Hotel & Spa In the ****S hotel family business Juffing Hotel & Spa we are committed to soft tourism and want to coordinate economic, ecological and social concerns in such a way that balance is created. Gallery General Description As an Austrian Green [...]